Jacqueline Inglis
Writer and Author of Micro-fiction
Examples of her work
Jacqueline is prolific in her writing and the stories below will change so do check back regularly.
Here are a few examples:
Dribbles and Drabbles -
Matilda Victoria Fleming, hurt by ridicule and body shaming, dried her eyes and resolved to fight back.
She checked herself in the mirror and decided voluptuous a kinder description.
Then she grabbed a wad of tissues and stuffed them inside her bra.
She was now Voluptuous Vicky not Titless Tilly.
This is a dribble of 50 words
Yes, you pronounce my name Made.
Yes, it is unusual.
That was down to my mum. Finding herself childless at forty-five and wanting a baby she decided to find a sperm donor. Which she did; Ron Turner.
Her dad, my grandad, was unhappy about that. His biggest concern being that his grandchild would have no idea of its heritage.
But my mum went ahead and conceived a daughter; me.
After my birth she thought about grandad’s concerns and decided that my name would need to reflect some knowledge of my father.
And that is why I’m called Mayde Byron Turner.
This is a drabble of 100 words
The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Jacqueline has used this form to create stories (nano-fiction).
The bloodied sequin
Tangled in the victim’s hair
Proved it was murder
©2024 Jacqueline Inglis