Jacqueline Inglis
Writer and Author of Micro-fiction
Examples of her work
Jacqueline is prolific in her writing and the stories below will change so do check back regularly.
Here are a few examples:
Dribbles and Drabbles -
Chloe was not known for her patience; quite the reverse.
She was considered too quick, too impulsive, too impetuous.
She thought her detractors too slow, too cautious, too careful.
And now, loathing every minute of it, Chloe is living in their world.
If only that damn zip wire hadn’t snapped.
This is a dribble of 50 words
Scott glanced over his shoulder, ‘Keep up Tim!’, he laughed, ‘or the girls will overtake you.’
‘You go on. I’ll see you later in the pub’, responded Tim.
‘You’ll be last again’, Scott warned and with a cheery wave accelerated away.
Scott’s testosterone fuelled departure was a relief for Tim.
He was not a competitive runner and preferred to jog at a slower pace. Bringing up the rear, as he thought of it, was where he felt most comfortable.
And of course, lagging behind gave him the opportunity to admire all those delightfully jiggling, female bottoms in front of him.
This is a drabble of 100 words
The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Jacqueline has used this form to create stories (nano-fiction).
Her friends have children
Both her siblings have children
She cannot conceive
©2024 Jacqueline Inglis