Jacqueline Inglis

Writer and Author of Micro-fiction

Examples of her work


Jacqueline is prolific in her writing and the stories below will change so do check back regularly.  

Here are a few examples:

Dribbles and Drabbles -



She knew when he was lying. 

And he knew she knew.

Likewise, he knew when she was lying.

And she knew that he knew.

It was their ongoing game

Neither daring to break the unwritten rule and challenge the other.

Both terrified of the consequences facing the truth would bring.

 This is a dribble of 50 words




‘What’s with the noise?’, Superintendent Cooper asked the desk sergeant.

‘It’s ok Sir. Everything’s under control. We’ve separated them out’.


‘The Brights’.

‘Not THE Brights?’ queried Cooper.

‘The very same, Sir. Councillor Bright and his ladies have just been brought in. Each of them kicking off.’


‘Miss Bright is furious she was caught soliciting. Said she needs to as she has no money.

Councillor Bright is furious with his daughter lying about being destitute.

And Mrs Bright is furious with the Councillor for getting nicked kerb crawling.  Again. She won’t accept his excuse of looking for their daughter.’



 This is a drabble of 100 words 



The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Jacqueline has used this form to create stories (nano-fiction).


He has the dance shoes

But no one to salsa with

His breath is so foul