Jacqueline Inglis

Writer and Author of Micro-fiction

Examples of her work


Jacqueline is prolific in her writing and the stories below will change so do check back regularly.  

Here are a few examples:

Dribbles and Drabbles -



Cindy was seated when they were first introduced.

Ross thought her ok. Nothing special.

Then she stood up.

God, what legs!

He loathed her politics, thought her religious beliefs were off the wall but with those legs…………….. he could overlook anything.

Until she became pregnant and the varicose veins appeared.

 This is a dribble of 50 words



Lottie glanced at the calendar and groaned.

Dulcie had ringed today, just as she had done last year and the previous ten.

Lottie sighed, why wouldn’t her mother let go? Why wouldn’t she move on.

But that was not Dulcie’s way. Forgiving and forgetting were not in her nature therefore the anniversary will always be remembered.

Lottie knew it wasn’t an event to celebrate but at least it could be discussed.

Dulcie won’t allow that so until tomorrow it will be the elephant in the room. Both of them knowing what the day signifies but neither of them mentioning it.


  This is a drabble of 100 words 



The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Jacqueline has used this form to create stories (nano-fiction).


She needed cash – fast

To replace all the money

That he had stolen