Jacqueline Inglis
Writer and Author of Micro-fiction
Examples of her work
Jacqueline is prolific in her writing and the stories below will change so do check back regularly.
Here are a few examples:
Dribbles and Drabbles -
‘Why on earth did you do it!!?’
‘Don’t you like it?’
‘Like it?!’ shrieked his mother, ‘All that money we’ve thrown at private education and for what?
I’ll sue that school for gross negligence in failing to spot an idiot.
Hopefully we’ll get a refund’.
‘Mum, it’s just a tattoo.’
This is a dribble of 50 words
‘Timmy’, says the message on his phone, ‘not cooking tonight. Bring in something spicy’.
Whenever Eleanor called him Timmy and mentioned spicy it meant only one thing; she wanted curry and sex.
Eleanor’s appetites never waned.
Most men he knew would be envious, but these days it was more of a chore and he needed assistance in order to perform.
Fantasising about his favourite actress usually helped but this evening he fancied someone different.
As he collected the food Tim looked at the cashier. Then glanced at the name tag. Tonight, Raj he thought, I’ll see YOU in my dreams.
This is a drabble of 100 words
The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Jacqueline has used this form to create stories (nano-fiction).
He was horrified
When he heard they’d got married
He’d fathered them both
©2024 Jacqueline Inglis